CBSE Syllabus
CBSE Syllabus Class IX, X 2005-2006

10. SINDHI - Code No. 008


One paper                                                           3 Hours                                                Marks : 100

                                                                            Section A             Marks : 60                      Suggested

                                                                                                                                           Periods 210

1.    Applied Grammar                                                                                     15                                50

       (i)     Eight parts of Speech with their kinds

       (ii)    Main Tenses and their kinds

       (iii)    Number

       (iv)   Gender

Recommended Book : Sindhi Bhasa (Vyakaran evam Prayoga) by Dr. Murlidhar Jetley

2.    Idioms and Proverbs                                                                                10                                20

       Idioms and Proverbs - (50 Proverbs) from

       Chund Sindhi Istalah & Ain Pahaka by Mrs. Usha Saraswat

3.    Composition                                                                                              27                                40

       (i)     Essay writing on familiar subjects                                                         12

       (ii)    Letter writing on familiar subjects                                                           7

       (iii)    Reporting                                                                                              8

4.    Comprehension of unfamiliar prose passage                                             8

                                                                            Section B             Marks : 40

1.    Prose                                                                                                         18                                50

       (i)     Questions and answers on the content                                                  10

       (ii)    Explanation with reference to context and summary

               of the prescribed lessons                                                                         8

       Prescribed books :

       Sindhi Ratanmala Part III (Edition 1998) Devanagari Script

       (edited by Deepchandra Trilok Chand and Govardhan Mahboobani Bharati)

       Sunder Sahitya Publishing House, Nawab Ka-Bera, Ajmer .

       Lessons to be studied :

       1.      Sacha jo Abhav                                        2.       Hath Je Porihe Jo Shaan

       3.      Asaan Jo Bharat                                       4.       Simile Jo Sair

       5.      Khil Jo Mahatam                                      6.       Zal to Hayau

       7.      Nirverta Jo Phal                                        8.       Mahinat

       9.      manhun Ja Te Kisim                                 10.     Adarshi Shagrid Je Rozaney Jeevat

       11.    Charitar ain Namoos                                 12.     Sir Thomas Mor

       13.    Panhija Dan                                              14.     Vigyan Ja Chamatkar

       15.    Pachtau                                                    16.     Nandda

       17.    Suhini Salah                                              18.     Rus ji Yatra

2.    Biography                                                                                                  7                                  20

       Sadhu Hiranand, Published by Kamla High School, Khar, Bombay-56

3.    Poetry                                                                                                        15                                30

       (i)     Questions and answers                                                                          5

       (ii)    Explanation with reference to context                                                     5

       (iii)    Summary of poems                                                                               5

       Prescribed book :

       Sindhi Ratanmala Part III (Edition 1998) Devanagari Script

       (edited by Deep Chandra Trilok Chand and Govardhan Mahboobani Bharati)

       Sunder Sahitya Publishing House, Nawab Ka-Bera, Ajmer .

       Works of the following poets (included in the Anthology)

       1.      Suhini Salah (Gul)                                       2.      Koshish Kanda Raho (Kalich)

       3.      Maruia Ja Virlap (Sachal)                           4.      Prieh Jo Paigham

       5.      Mata (Sobhraj Fani)                                    6.      Soni Khan (Dilgir)

       7.      Prabhat                                                      8.      Sukh Jee Nagiri (Hari Dilgir)

       9.      Dil Javan Ahe                                            10.     Bahar (Ziya)


One paper                                                           3 Hours                                                Marks : 100

                                                                            Section A             Marks : 60                      Suggested

                                                                                                                                          Periods 210

1.    Applied Grammar                                                                                     12                                50

       (i)     Three Voices : Active, Passive and Impersonal

       (ii)    Types of Sentences : simple, compound and their transformation.

       (iii)    Transformation of words, e.g. Noun into adjectives,

               adjectives into nouns, oposite words, synonyms.

       Recommended Books : Sindhi Bhasa (Vyakarn evam Prayoga) by Dr. Murlidhar Jetley

2.    Idioms and Proverbs                                                                                10                                20

       Idioms : 51 - 100 Proverbs : 51 - 100, in the book Chund Singh Istalah &

       Ain Pahaka by Mrs. Usha Saraswat.

3.    Composition                                                                                              30                                30

       (i)     Essay writing                                                                                      15

       (ii)    Letter writing                                                                                        7

       (iii)    Reporting writing or Summary                                                                8

4.    Comprehension of an unseen prose passage                                            8                                8

Section B                                                            Marks : 40

1.    Prose                                                                                                           18                              50

       (i)     Questions and answers                                                                            8

       (ii)    Explanation with reference to context                                                       6

       (iii)    Summary of lessons                                                                                 4

       Prescribed books :

       Sindhi Ratanmala Part III (Edition 1998) Devnagari Script

       (edited by Deepchandra Trilok Chand and Govardhan Mahboobani Bharati),

       Sunder Sahitya Publishing House, Nawab Ka-Bera, Ajmer .

       Lessons to be studied :

       1.      Bernard Maikphedan Part - I                              2.       Bernard Maikphedan Part - II

       3.      Vakilan Ja Vakara                                             4.       Jo Nizaro Aasmaan

       5.      Shanti Niketan                                                   6.       Lakhino Lal

       7.      Sindhi Boli Jo Buniyad                                        8.       Ajanta Jun Gufaun

       9.      Takdir and Tadbir                                               10.     Raja Ranjeet Singh Jun Ba Vartaun

       11.    Baru                                                                  12.     Pankh

       13.    Acharya Vinoba Bhave                                      14.     Adab Ya Sahitya Cha Ahe?

       15.    Lila Chanecer

2.    Poetry                                                                                                            14                            40

       (i)     Questions and Answers                                                                              6

       (ii)    Explanation with reference to context                                                          4

       (iii)    Summary of Poems                                                                                    4

       Prescribed book :

       Sindhi Ratanmala (Part III) (Edition 1998) Devanagari Script

       (edited by Deepchandra Trilok Chand and Govardhan Mahboobani),

       Sunder Sahitya Publishing House, Nawab Ka-Bera, Ajmer

       Poems to be studied :

       1.      Titanik Jahaz Jo Budan                                        2.      Shah Savari

       3.      Himalaya                                                            4.      Sur Samundi

       5.      Sar Sorath (Shah)                                                6.      Harjan ja Guna

       7.      Pativrita                                                              8.      Lila Khe Hidayat (Aziz)

       9.      Porhiyat (Dukhayal)                                            10.    Vat Vende Ja Pur

       11.    Halyo Hal (Narayan Shyam)                                12.    Pritam Ji aasa

       13.    Munshkil Khe Maat Kar (Fani)                            14.    Hiku Kutambu (Vafa)

3.    Short Stories                                                                                                 8                              20

       Prescribed book :

Choonda Sindhi Kahaniyoon (Devanagri Script) edited by Gobind Malhi and Kala Rijhsinghani, Published by Kamal Hight School , Khar, Bombay.

       Stories to be studied :

       1.      Siyani Sasu                                                         By Prabhdas Bherumal

       2.      Brahma Ji Bhul                                                   By Popati Hiranandani

       3.      Sajan Tun ma Chudej                                          By Ram Panjwani

       4.      Bandhan                                                             By Saudri Uttam Chandani

       5.      Bhimo Thari                                                        By Harumal Sadarangam

       6.      Chaha Kaja Maulaie                                            By Hemu Nagvani

       Questions will be asked on content and characters in these stories.
