20. PERSIAN - Code No. 023
One paper 3 Hours Marks : 100
Section A Marks : 50 Suggested
1. Grammar 15 30
(i) Noun
(ii) Pronoun
(iii) Prepositions
(iv) Verb
(v) Derivatives
Note : (Based on the prescribed lessons)
2. Translation 20 50
(i) Translation of simple sentences of Persian into English, 10
Hindi or Urdu.
(ii) Translation of Simple sentences of English, Hindi or Urdu 10
into Persian.
3. Use of words in simple sentences in Persion 10 20
4. Fill in the blanks 5 10
Section B Marks : 50
1. Prose and Poetry 35+15=50
Prescribed book
(i) Farsi wa Dastoor
(ii) Amozish-e-Zaban-e Farsi (Kitabe Sewum) - Book III
(i) Following lessons, poems from the books entitled Farsi-wa Dastoor
(Kitabi-i-Awwal) Part I for Class IX (1997) by Dr. Zohra-i-Khanlari
Published by M/s. Idarah-e-Adabiyaat-e-Delhi, Jayyad Press, Balli Maran, Delhi - 110 006.
Lesson to be studied :
1. Be-name-e-Ezad Bakshainde 2. Dastane - Kher-o-Shar (Part I, II and III)
3. Pisrake Feda-kar 4. Mehman-Nawazi
5. Umar-Khayaam 6. Manazer-ahi-Nakhk-o-Sozan (Poems)
7. Arash-e-Kaman gir
(ii) Following lessons from the book entitled
Amoozish-e-Zaban-e-Farsi (Kitab-e-sewum) Book III by Dr. Yadullah Samreh.
Published by Intesharate-e-Benul Millali. Can be procurred from Iran Culture House,
18 Tilak Marg, New Delhi.
Lessons to be studied :
Part I
(i) Fasle Payeez
(ii) Hame Baham
(iii) Majrai Kabootran
One paper 3 Hours Marks : 100
Section A Marks : 50 Suggested
Periods 180
1. Grammar 10 20
(Based on the prescribed lessons)
(i) Noun (Ism)
(ii) Pronoun (Zamir)
(iii) Preposition (Hurufi Jar)
(iv) Verb (Fel)
(v) Derivatives (Mushtaqqat)
2. Translation and Conjugation 15 50
(i) Translation of simple sentences of English, Hindi
or Urdu into Persian 10
(ii) Conjugation of three infinitives in Persian
(Past/Present/Future) 05
3. Use of words in simple sentences in Persian 10 20
4. Composition : Writing short paragraph or letter
on a given topic 10 20
5. Objective type questions 05
Section B Marks : 50
Prose and Poetry 35+15=50 70
Prescribed book :
(i) Farsi-wa-Dastoor
(ii) Amoozish-e0Zeban-e-Farsi (Kitabe Sewum) Book III
(i) Following lessons and poems from the book titled : Farsi-wa Dastoor
Part I (Kitabi-i-Awwal) (1997) by Dr. Zohra-i-Khanlari,
Published by M/s. Idarah-e-Adabyyat-e-Dilli, Jayaad Press,
Ballimaran, Delhi - 110 006.
Lessons and poems to be studied :
(i) Karan-e-Doortar (ii) Baz-e-Bawafa
(iii) Sazmane Milahe Muttahed (iv) Qissa-e-Behram wa Kanizak (Parts I, II and III)
(v) Chashma wa Sang
2. Following lesson from Amoozish-e-Zaban-eFarsi Part III
(i) Dahqane-e-Fedakar (ii) Roobah wa Kharoos
(iii) Guftugu-e-Roobah wa Kharoos (iv) Muhammad Bin Zakariya Razi
(v) Murghabi wa Lak Pusht
(i) Kitabe Khoob (ii) Faslha
( NOTE : 1. Grammar based on the lessons prescribed)
2. Couplets/Poetry from within the Prose lesson should be fested under Prose only. |