26. PORTUGUESE - Code No. 019
One paper 3 Hours Marks : 100 Suggested
1. Grammar 20 30
Course content
1. Phonetics : Sound and the alphabet Accent
Intonation patterns/Example of each kind
2. Grammar 50 50
(i) Articles, gender and number
(ii) Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns
(iii) Verbs : regular & irregular
(iv) Tenses : Present, Present Continous & Imperativie
(v) Expressions with ter, fazer and estar
3. Writing Skills 30 60
Making sentences with words and expressions
Guided paragraph writing on topics of every day life situations
Simple Dialogue writing on daily - life situations
Description of pictures.
4. Comprehension 20 25
Comprehension of a passage from the book and answering
questions based on the passage.
Prescribed book :
by Isabel Coimbra Liete & Olga Mata Coimbra
Published by Lidel Edicoes Tecnicas, Lisbon 1995
One paper 3 Hours Marks : 100 Suggested
1. Grammar 40 60
(i) Past Tense (Preterito Perfeito) Immediate future Tense
(Futuro, Proximo, Imperative, Negative)
(ii) Pronomial verbs
(iii) Prepositions, conjunctions and degrees of adjective, use of tao, tanto
(iv) Direct and indirect object pronouns
(v) Use of Haver, saber and their expressions
2. Composition 20 30
1. Guided short composition 10
(building up a story based on given outline in about 100&125
words or descripition of a visual in about 100-125 words)
2. Paragraph writing on a given topic in about 100-125 words 10
3. Comprehension 20 25
Reading an unseen passage and answering short questions
based on the passage.
4. Translation 20 40
Translation of passage from the Text Book from Portuguese to English/Hindi
Prescribed book :
1. PORTUGUES SEM FRONTEIRAS-1 (Pages 100 to 200)
(By Isabel Coimbra Liete & Olga Mata Coimbra)
Published by Lidel Edicoes Tecnicas Limitada, Lisbon 1995
Can be procured from-Portuguese Embassy, Cultural Centre,
13, Sunder Nagar, New Delhi - 110003,
Other India Bookshop, Mapusa, Goa,
Jawahar Book Depot, Berserai, New Delhi - 110 067
(Tel. No. 011-6102946) |