CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Chemical Kinetics

Chemical Kinetics

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  1. Define activation energy of a reaction
  2. Why is that instantaneous rate of reaction does not change when a part of the reacting solution is taken out?
  3. Under what conditions does the rate of reaction becomes equal to rate constant?
  4. Define rate of reaction.
  5. State two factors which affect the rate of a chemical reaction.
  6. Define order of reaction.
  7. Identify the reaction order if the unit of rate constant is per sec.
  8. Name one zero order reaction.
  9. How is rate constnt related tothe concentrations of reactants?
  10. Define half life of a reaction


  1. A first order reaction is 20% completed in 10 min. How much time does it take for 75% completion.
  2. Differentiate between reaction rate and reaction rate constant.
  3. What is meant by order and molecularity of a reaction. Distinguish between them.
  4. What are Pseudo unimolecular reaction. Give two examples.
  5. A first order reaction is 30% completen in 50 min. Calculate the value of rate constant.


  1. What are photochemical reactions. Give one example to illustrate the course of photochemical reaction.
  2. Defferentiate between rate of reactionand rate constant of a reaction. Show that the time required for completion for three-fourth of a first order reaction is twice the time required for the completion of half reaction.
  3. 60% of a first order reaction was completed in 60 min. When was it half completed.
  4. For a first order reaction, it takes 5 min. for the initial concentration of 0.6 mol/litre to be come 0.4 mol/Litre How long will it take for the initial concentration to become 0.3 mol/Litre.
  5. In general it is observed that the rate of a chemical reaction doubles with every 10 degree rise in temperature. If this generalization hold for a reaction in the temperature range 295K to 305 K what would be the value of activation energy for this reaction [ R=8.314 J/K/mol]
  1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
  2. Solid State
  3. Solutions
  4. Thermodynamics
  5. Electrochemistry
  6. Chemical Kinetics
  7. P Block Elements
  8. D and F Block Elements
  9. Nuclear Chemistry
  10. Stereo Chemistry
  11. Organic Functional Group I
  12. Organic Functional Group II and III
  13. Surface Chemistry
  14. Chemistry In Every Day Life
  15. Polymers
  16. Practice Paper No.1
  17. Practice Paper No.2
  18. Practice Paper No.3
  19. Practice Paper No.4


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