CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Chemistry In Every Day Life
Chemistry In Every Day Life

NOTE - One marks questions:
- What is an antibiotic ? Give the an name of the first antibiotic discovered?
- What are analgesies ?
- Name a substance which is used as antiseptic as well as disinfectant?
- What is use of derivative of barbicurie acid?
- Give the name of one broad spectrum antibiotic?
- Define analgesies ?
- Name the medicine which is used in prevention of heart attacks?
- Why is biotheonal added to soap?
- What are autacids ? Give an example?
- What propellants have been used in PSLV-C4 Rocket?
- What are mordant dyes? How can these be applied to fabrics?
- Why are propellants used in satellite ?Give suitable example of
(I) Beliquid propellants (II) Hybrid propellants ?
- What are the essential components of a talcum powder? What is the roll of boric acid in talcum powder?
- What are diodrants and what is their specific roll in cosmetics?
- Sulpha drugs work like antibiotics but they are not antibiotics. In this a valid statement and why ?
Give one example of sulpha drugs and antibiotics?
- What do you understand by biliquid propellants ? what was the composition of the propellants
Mostly used in Russian rockets?
- What is tineture of iodine ?What is its use?
- What are azodyes ? Give one example ?
- What is meant by chemotherapy ? Write the chamical name aspirin?
- What is mean by tranquilizers ? Write the name of two transquilizers?
- What are pheramones ?Why are pheramones said tobe action specific agents?
- What are the advantages of synthatic detergents over soaps?
- What are superconducting ceremics ? Write some uses of them?
- What are propellants used in Titan pallistic missile ?
- What are perfumes ? Name the three major components of perfume?
- Why do azodyes not impart fast color to fabrics?
- What are the characteristics of the good vanishing cream?
- Whar are carbon fibers ?How are they designed?
- Explain micro alloys?
- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
- Solid State
- Solutions
- Thermodynamics
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Block Elements
- D and F Block Elements
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stereo Chemistry
- Organic Functional Group I
- Organic Functional Group II and III
- Surface Chemistry
- Chemistry In Every Day Life
- Polymers
- Practice Paper No.1
- Practice Paper No.2
- Practice Paper No.3
- Practice Paper No.4
