CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Electrochemistry


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  1. Why is aluminium metal cannot be obtained by the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of a salt of aluminium.
  2. Rusting of iron is quicker in saline water than in ordinary water. Why it is so?
  3. Give the unit of molar conductivity.
  4. What is meant by faraday constant?
  5. What is a fuel cell?
  6. Which type of metal can be used in cathodic protection of iron against rusting.
  7. Under what conditions will a galvanic cell send no current into outer ciruit.
  8. What is the representation of Daniel cell.
  9. Define the term specific conductivity.
  10. Express the mathematically relationship among the resistance [R] specific conductivity and cell constant


  1. State the reasons for the following:
    i. Rusting of iron is said to be an electrochemical phenomenon.
    ii. For a weak electrolyte, its molar conductance in dilute solutin increases sharply as its concentration in solution is decreased.
  2. Explain Kohlrausch's law of independent migration of ions. Mention one application of it.
  3. Calculate the number of columbs required to deposit 5.4 gms. of Al when the reaction is involving 3 electrons for reduction of Al ion.
  4. Define the terms molar conductivity and equivalent conductivity. What are their physical significance.
  5. What mass of molten Na would be produced by electrolysis of molten NaCl using a current of 15 ampere and for 3 hrs.


  1. Calculate the E.M.F. and G of cell reaction for the following cell at 25 C
    Mg(s) |Mg2+ (.001M) || Cu2+ |Cu(s)
    E'Mg(s)|Mg2+ =-2.37 V E' Cu2+| Cu(s) =.34 V
    F= 96500 C/mol
  2. How long will it take an electric current of 0.15 A to deposit all the coper from 500 ml of 0.150 M copper sulfate solution?
  1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
  2. Solid State
  3. Solutions
  4. Thermodynamics
  5. Electrochemistry
  6. Chemical Kinetics
  7. P Block Elements
  8. D and F Block Elements
  9. Nuclear Chemistry
  10. Stereo Chemistry
  11. Organic Functional Group I
  12. Organic Functional Group II and III
  13. Surface Chemistry
  14. Chemistry In Every Day Life
  15. Polymers
  16. Practice Paper No.1
  17. Practice Paper No.2
  18. Practice Paper No.3
  19. Practice Paper No.4


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