CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear Chemistry

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  1. Write the principle of neutron activation analysis.
  2. Name the elementary particle used for nuclear fission reactions.
  3. If a radioactive nuclide of group 15 undergoesemission of an alpha particle, in which group will the resulting nuclide be found
  4. Why are fusion reaction in nuclear chemistry referred to as thermonuclear reactions.
  5. What is meant by artificial transmutation. Give one example.
  6. What are particle accelerators.
  7. C-14 is formed in the upper atmosphere. Why does this not occur at ground level
  8. By what other name is thorium series known.
  9. What is the cause of b emission.
  10. What are isosester give one example


  1. Explain the principle of radiocarbon dating
  2. What is nuclear reactor. How can nuclear reaction be controlled in nuclear reactor
  3. Describe the principle of atomic bomb and a nuclear reactor.
  4. The half life of C-14 is 5600 years A sample of freshly cut wood from a tree contain 10 mg of C-14 How much C-14 will remain in wood sample after 50,000 years.
  5. What are the application of radiochemistry and radioisotopes.


  1. What is nuclear fission reaction. Describe the basic principle of a nuclear reactor
  2. Describe the underlying principle of atomic bomb.
    A piece of wood show a C-14 activity which is 70% of the activity found in fresh wood of today Calculate the age of piece of wood. half life of C 14 is 5770 years.
  3. Which isotope of cobalt is used to destroy malignant cells.
    Calculate the number of disintegration per second of 1 gm. of a radioactive element whose half life is 30 years
  4. What are particle accelerators. Starting with 1 gm of radioactive sample, 0.25 g of it is left after 5 days. Calculate the amount which was left after 1 day
  5. Explain each of the following:
    [i] Artificial transmutation of elements.
    [ii] Critical mass in nuclear chemistry
  1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
  2. Solid State
  3. Solutions
  4. Thermodynamics
  5. Electrochemistry
  6. Chemical Kinetics
  7. P Block Elements
  8. D and F Block Elements
  9. Nuclear Chemistry
  10. Stereo Chemistry
  11. Organic Functional Group I
  12. Organic Functional Group II and III
  13. Surface Chemistry
  14. Chemistry In Every Day Life
  15. Polymers
  16. Practice Paper No.1
  17. Practice Paper No.2
  18. Practice Paper No.3
  19. Practice Paper No.4


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