CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > D and F Block Elements
D and F Block Elements

- Give the general electronic configuration of d block elements.
- Why do transition element show variable oxidation state.
- Why are the compounds are generally coloured.
- Transition metals show paramagnetic behaviour, why.
- Why is bivalent Ti ion is paramagnetic in nature.
- Name one ore each of manganese and chromium
- Name the first element of 3d transition series.
- What is the highest oxidation state shown by Cr
- Why are Zn Cd and Hg not considered transition metals.
- Why is that orange solution of potassium dichromate turns yellow on adding Sodium hydroxide to it.
- What are inner transition elements. Write their electronic configurations.
- Explain briefly the magnetic behaviour of first row transition metal ions.
- Why do trasition metals form complexes.
- What are interstitial compounds. Explain them with reference to transition metals and mention their two important properties.
- Explain Lanthanide contraction.
- Describe briefly the following physico-chemicalo properties of transition metals:
[i] ionisation energy [ii] ionic radii [iii] complex formation
- Describe briefloy the gradation of the following physico-chemical prperties of transition metals
[i] metallic character [ii] ionic radii [iii] complex formation
- What are lanthanides Discuss briefly the physical and chemical properties of lanthanide.
- Write the chemical equations for the conversion of
[i] chromite ore to sodium chromate.
[ii] pyrolusite to potassium permanganate
[iii] potassium permanganate to manganese dioxide
- [a] Give one example each of amphoteric and acidic oxides of trnsition metals
[b] Dexcribe the trends in the following cases:
[i] Melting points of elements in the 3d transition series
[ii] atomic sizes of elements in the 4 f inner transition series
- Dexcribe how potassium permagnate is made from pyrolusite. Write the chemical equations for the involved reactions.Describe with an example , each oxidising action of permanganate ion in alkaline and acidic media. What acid and alkali are usually used
- Describe how potassium dichromate is made from chromite ore and give the equations for the chemical reactions involve. Write balanced ionic equations for reacting ions to represent the action of acidified potassium dichromate solution on:
[a] potassium iodide solution
[b] Acidified ferrous sulphate solution
Write two uses of potassium dichromate
- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
- Solid State
- Solutions
- Thermodynamics
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Block Elements
- D and F Block Elements
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stereo Chemistry
- Organic Functional Group I
- Organic Functional Group II and III
- Surface Chemistry
- Chemistry In Every Day Life
- Polymers
- Practice Paper No.1
- Practice Paper No.2
- Practice Paper No.3
- Practice Paper No.4
