CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2003 > English > Compartment Delhi Set -III

ENGLISH—2003 (Set III—Compartment Delhi)

Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been already asked in Set I and Set II.


Q. B1. Your school is holding a cultural fiesta for collecting funds for the Kargil jawans’ Family Welfare Fund. Draft a notice for your school notice board giving details of the programme and the donations to be made. You are Manoj, Cultural Secretary, Tarapore Senior Secondary School, Mumbai, (Word limit: 50 words) 5
You are Rohit/Rashi of No. 5, Rajnagar, Meerut. You want to sell your flat. Write a suitable advertisement to be published in the classified columns of ‘The Hindustan Times’, Delhi. (Word limit: 50 words)

Q. B3. You are Mohit/Mobmi living at No.2, Clement Town, Bangalore. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘Deccan Herald’ about the poor city bus services and the Indifference of drivers and conductors towards the traffic rules. Also suggest ways to improve the services. 10
Write a letter to the Standard Book Co., Cannanore, complaining about the poor quality of books supplied to your library. You are Mohan/Mohini, Librarian of Lajpat Rai Secondary School, Mumbai.


Q. C1. Read the passage given below’ and answer the questions that follow:
The most spectacular and in many ways the most fundamental social change that the Gandhi an movement effected in India is in respect of the position of women.
It would be wrong historically to consider that the great part that the women of India played in the non-cooperation movement and the position they have achieved for themselves in modern Indian life was the result of a sudden transformation.
Undoubtedly women in ancient India enjoyed a much higher status than their descendents in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the earliest days there had been many notable women in India — poet, scholars, capable administrators and leaders of religious movements.
(i) Which Gandhian movement is referred to here? 2
(ii) What was the most fundamental social change produced by the Gandhian movement in India? 1
(iii) The author mentions two things regarding the women of India, which were not the result of a sudden change. What are they? 2
(iv) What was the position of women in ancient India? 2
(v) Find words in the passage which mean the following: 2
(a) Very impressive or dramatic
(b) change from one form, to another

Q. C2. Answer the following in 30 —40 words, each:
(i) On what charges did Edmund Burke impeach Warren Hastings? 2
(ii) What does the poet want to convey by beauty in small proportions? 2
(iii) Why did the poet become sad though he was in a sweet mood? 3
(iv) Mention the changes that have occurred among the people living in the present era. 3
(v) Mention the focal point that routes in the poem “The Man He Killed.” 3

English 2003 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II
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