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CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2003 > English > Compartment Outside Delhi Set -II

ENGLISH—2003 (Set II—Compartment Outside Delhi)

Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been already asked in Set I .


Q. B1. You are the Secretary of P. N. Housing Welfare Society Draft a notice to be circulated to its members stating that the second instalment of payment towards the cost of construction is due. Sign as Madhav/Madhuri. (Word limit: 50 words). 5
You want to dispose of your independent house situated in the prime locality of Ghaziabad (U.P.). Draft an advertisement suitable to be published in “The Times of India”, New Delhi, under the classified advertisements column. Sign as Manohar/Meenu. (Word limit: 50 words).

Q. B3. Write a letter to the Editor of National Herald, Agra, about the undesirability of primary school children carrying heavy school bags. Also suggest ways to reduce the load. You are Ganesh/Gita of Ashok Nagar, Agra. (Word limit: 150 words). 10
Write a letter to L.G. Electronics, Delhi, requesting for repair or replacement of the L.G. T.V. set which you had bought from them only 2 months ago as it has developed certain defects. You are Pavan/Priya of Daryaganj, Delhi. (Word limit: 150 words).


Q. C1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
One day there fell in great Banaras’ Temple-court
A wondrous plate of gold, whereon these
Words were writ:
“To him who loveth best, a gift from
Identify the poem and the poet. 1
What and where did one thing fall one day? 2
(iii) Name the words written on it. 2
(iv) Who sent the gift and for whom? 2
Write the full form of: writ. 2

English 2003 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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