CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2003 > English > Compartment Outside Delhi Set -III

ENGLISH—2003 (Set III—Compartment Outside Delhi)

Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been already asked in Set I and Set II.


Q. B1. Your school is hosting the CBSE. All India Basket-Ball Tournament. Draft a notice for your school notice board asking the students to attend the tournament to cheer the participants. You are Anand/Anita, Sports Secretary of Ahmedabad Public School, Ahmedabad. (Word limit: 50 words). 5
You want to dispose of your independent bungalow at M. C. Road, Mysore. Draft an advertisement suitable to be published under the classified .a4 column of Deccan Herald, Bangalore. (Word limit: 50 words).

Q. B3. Write a letter to the Corporation Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai, informing him about the poor condition of the roads and street-lights in your Dayal Nagar Colony in Chennai, explaining the difficulties faced by the people of the colony. You are Pooja/Praveen. (Word limit: I50 Words). 10
You have purchased a Frost-free Godrej Refrigerator from ABC Company, Trivandrum. After using it for a month, you found that the freezing section is not functioning. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, complaining about it. You are Raja/Ragini, 23, Lake View Road, Trivandrum. (Word limit: 150 words).


Q. C1. Read the passage given below * answer the questions that follow: 10 My lords, you have here also the Lights of our religion; you have the Bishops of England. My lords, you have that true image of the primitive church in its ancient form, in its ancient form, in its ancient ordinances, purified from the superstitions and the vices, which a long succession of ages will bring upon the best institutions. You have the representatives of the religion which says that their God is love, that the very vital spirit of the institution is charity, a religion which s hates oppression, that when the God whom we adore appeared in human form, He did not appear in a form of made it a firm and ruling principle that their welfare was the object of all government; since the person, who was the Master of nature, chose to appear himself in a subordinate situation. These are the considerations which influence them, which animate them, and will animate them, against all oppression, knowing, that He who first among theme and first among us all, both of the flock that is fed and of those who feed it, made Himself “the servant of all”.
(i) Who does ‘You’ refer to in the above abstract? 2
(ii) Who are the lights of religion? 2
(iii) What is the Bishop’s view about God and charity? 2
(iv) In which form did God appear on earth? 1
(v) What is the firm and ruling principle of all governments? 2

English 2003 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I
Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II
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