CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2003 > English > Delhi Set -III

ENGLISH—2003 (Set III—Delhi)

Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been already asked in Set I and Set II


Q. A.2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Before we can develop a really effective programme to prevent auto accidents, we will have to learn far more than we now know about why such accidents happen. The National Safety Council, while pointing out that most accidents result from a combination of causes, and that “few accidents are investigated carefully enough to determine exactly what their underlying causes were,” estimates that in about 80% of accidents, the most important single factor is the driver himself. Bad weather, poor road conditions, and defects in cars do cause some accidents, but, generally speaking, such circumstances appear to be of minor significance compared with the mental and physical condition of the driver. And recent research indicates that the driver’s physical condition is of less importance that his personality and his emotional state. Many, if not most, accidents, this research suggests, are the result of wayward impulses and motivations of faulty judgements and attitudes, of poorly controlled aggressiveness and competitiveness. Nearly two-thirds of the drivers involved in fatal accidents were speeding, driving while under the influence of alcohol, disregarding stop lights or signs, or otherwise violating the law, according to the Safety council. The pertinent question is why do people drive so fast, drive after drinking, take risks in passing or in general, commit dangerous, careless, illegal, impulsive, or unfriendly acts when they get behind the wheel?
A small beginning has been made toward finding answers to this question. Several studies comprehensively described by Dr. Ross McFarland and his associates at Harvard’s School of Public Health have probed the personality and emotional characteristics of so called accident-prone drivers and discovered such traits as emotional instability, impulsiveness, suggestibility, excitability, lack of proper sense of social responsibility, aggressiveness, and intolerance of authority. Although fault may be found with the quality of this research in terms of controls and other safeguards, it may prove provocative enough to lead to sounder efforts. “A man drives as he lives,” says Dr. Tillman and Hobbs in an article in the American Journal of Psychiatry. “If his personal life is marked by caution, tolerance, foresight, consideration for others, then he will drive in the same way. If his personal life is devoid of these desirable characteristics, then his driving will be characterized by aggressiveness and over a long period of time, he will have a higher accident rate than his more stable companions.” The trouble with the first part of this statement is that no human being is, at all times, cautious, tolerant, foresighted, and considerate of others. Even though we may be exemplary persons most of the time, there are certain moments, or longer periods, in the Jives of all of us when we become temporarily impulsive, aggressive, or otherwise emotionally off balance. If we happen to be driving during one of these episodes — and if external circumstances favour an accident— then an accident is likely to occur. (Around 470 words).
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings. Also use recognizable abbreviations, wher ver necessary (minimum 4). Supply a suitable title to it. 5
(b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words. 3


Q. B3. You are Uma/Udhav, the school pupil leader of Ramanujam Public School, Chennai. During the summer vacations, your school is planning an educational tour, covering visits to a thermal power plant and a few. factories Write a letter to The National Travel Agency, at 2 Pantheon Road, Chennai —26 enquiring about the places, the charges, facilities and the other relevant details. 10
You are Uma/Udhav, Secretary of Gandhinagar Residents Association, Chennai. The metro water supply in your area, Gandhinagar is inadequate and at odd hours. Write a letter to the Executive Engineer, Metro Water Board, expressing your difficulties regarding water supply and requesting him to do the needful immediately.


Q. C4. What is Hardy’s attitude towards war? (Words limit: 150 words). 10

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