CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2003 > English > Delhi Set -II

ENGLISH—2003 (Set II—Delhi)

Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been already asked in Set I.


Q. A2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Cycling survives as a popular pastime because it yields pleasure and benefits. First of all, cycling provides exercise, the need of which is felt by most people. The development of machinery tends to deprive us of adequate opportunities of expending energy while earning a livelihood. Other opportunities should be created through the medium of sport. Of cycling, many people hastily say that it is “hard work”, but a fit and practiced rider does not agree with this verdict. The art of easy cycling must be cultivated, as will be shown later, but once it has been acquired, a long day’s run should not unduly tire any rider endowed with the normal measure of health. Nobody has better described the exercise of cycling than the late Twells Brex, who said enthusiastically, speaking from experience: “You move along by your own glad effort.” Many of us wish to use our legs an dour lungs, as well our eyes. An active, healthy person ought not to be content to travel always as a mere passenger — “like an image pushed from behind”, as Stevenson says. That is not life. Those who would turn all active cyclists into sedentary motor-drivers, or into idle passengers, would serve the nation better if they restricted their attentions to the aged and infirm, for whom petrol-generated propulsion is doubtless a blessing, and may be a necessity.
It is often said that the cyclist cannot travel as fast or as far as the motorist. Admitting this, the cyclist may be permitted to ask if it is always desirable that travel should involve modern motoring speeds (or accidents). Is the enjoyment of a traveller in search of pleasure to be measured merely in miles, or, what is worse in miles-per hour, or what is worse still, in miles-per-gallon? Surely the cyclist, pedaling calmly along at a modest twelve miles an hour is able to assimilate scenery more easily, more completely, and with more enjoyment, than the hurrying occupant of a car! Cyclists believe that their method of travel is a sensible and convenient compromise between walking and driving. If bicycles were unobtainable, most keen cyclists would become trampers rather than motorists.
There are at least two distinct types of cyclists. The exercise of pedaling provides an all-sufficient satisfaction for one type. This is the purely athletic rider who travels in long, fast riders, in time trails, and other forms of strenuous competition, and sometimes attacks records. This type of cyclist goes into strict training, develops leg- thrust, and perfect ankle action and thinks nothing of pedaling at twenty miles an hour. The other distinct type is the tourist, who takes no interest in racing but a deep interest in the countryside and the pageant unfolded by the open road. Comparatively, few cyclists are interested deeply in both racing and touring. (Around 470 words)
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points only, using headings and sub-headings. Also use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply a suitable title to it. 5
(b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words. 3


Q. B3. You are Ravi/Rajani, the school pupil leader of Nehru Public School, Delhi. During the summer vacations your school is planning to organize a tour to Singapore and Malaysia. Write a letter to The National Travel Agency, Delhi enquiring about the charges, facilities and all the other necessary details.
You are Ravi/Rajani, living at 5, Ganesh Bagh, Bangalore —3. There is frequent power cut and voltage fluctuation in your area causing great inconvenience and damaging electrical appliances. Write a letter to the Assistant Engineer of the Electricity Board of your area explaining the difficulties you face, seeking quick action.


Q. C4. The Master ignores the disastrous consequences of machines while justifying their installation.” What consequences does he ignore and what justification does he offer? (Word limit: 150 words). 10
How does nature spread her pleasure in the universe everywhere to make our life pesceful and happy?

English 2003 Question Papers Class XII
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